Conjoint Analysis

I decided to do a conjoint analysis for personalization of finding my ideal graduate university. Candidly, if I had made one for undergrad it would have reflected more on an importance of proximity to home and strength of athletic departments. Now my attributes are geared more towards the program itself. Based off of the results below, my ideal university is a close or moderate location, with around $30,000-$75,000 in tuition fees, a shorter program duration of 2-3 semesters, and most importantly a strong reputation and a degree program that fits exactly what I want. I’m happy to confirm that, after much research and a hands-on experience with real professors and directors of the program, Columbia’s Business Analytics degree fits all my most important criteria while other programs I considered at other institutions fell short.

The regression output, part-worth plots, and attribute importance weights are shown here.

And now that I've completed my degree from Columbia - it's safe to say that my research paid off.